Category Archives: News

Scale For A Sale!

How to SCALE for a promotional SALE: A little known secret in the fulfillment world is the heavy reliance on temporary workers to help scale up for promotional sales and seasonal fluctuations. While temporary labor may be cost effective for fulfillment companies, this can often lead to errors and issues with quality of service. Peak […]

Product Assembly and Kitting

The big question facing manufacturing: Invest in automation or in people? The manufacturing industry continually looks toward automation and robotics to drive efficiencies but the truth is that people are going to be an integral part of manufacturing and assembly for a very long time. Assembly processes often involve skilled operators working in conjunction with […]

Spring BBQ!

Rain or Shine, the BBQ must go on! This year happened to be quite rainy, but we are very fortunate to have plenty of space indoors to house our annual Spring BBQ. As usual, the food was fantastic and plentiful, but the highlight of every BBQ is the opportunity to break bread with our workplace […]

Ecommerce Integrations

Peak integrates with ecommerce platforms

Peak Manufacturing & Fulfillment never shies away from harnessing the newest technologies for fear of change or evolution — progress and forward growth is exactly what we believe in. Peak utilizes the newest breakthroughs in e-commerce fulfillment services and shipping, with order automation and tracking that enables your business to work efficiently and effectively. Using […]

Product Assembly Services

Peak specializes in product assembly & kitting.

Many companies want to say they specialize in high-quality and high-volume production but that is certainly easier said than done. First it takes 5 shifts of labor to staff an operation that is working around the clock 24/7. Then procedures and quality standards must be implemented throughout the entire organization and on every shift. Finally, […]

NOCOM 2022

Peak Manufacturing & Fulfillment offers plastic injection molding, assembly, kitting, and fulfillment services.

A big thank you to NOCOM 2022 for another successful manufacturing trade show! Each year, this great event not only showcases Colorado manufacturing but also helps decision makers make connections in our industry so that we can “keep it local”. In addition to connecting local manufacturing with customers and vendors, NOCOM places a large emphasis […]

Back to School!

Peak Fulfillment 2022 school supplies event

Back to School! Its that time of the year that employees start sending their kids back to school. For many years now, we like to make this process a little easier for our employees by providing many of the school supplies needed. Our parent company, Caroba Plastics, Inc., held the event and were happy to […]