Product Warehouse & Distribution Center

Peak Manufacturing and Fulfillment is your safeguarded source for professional and pristine product warehousing. At our warehouse and distribution center, your valued goods will stay protected, polished, and prepped for fulfillment. With distinct warehousing departments and specialty staff, you can rest easy knowing your business is in safe hands.

Here at Peak Manufacturing and Fulfillment, we pride ourselves on superior warehousing conditions, ensuring your valued products are in mint condition and out of harm’s way. Using our comprehensive approach to production, we can maintain the highest standards at our product warehouse and distribution center. Peak’s signature product warehouse and distribution center utilizes instinctive technology, rapid processes, extensive space, and a stringent structure to ensure that your supply is secure.


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Why is LOT tracking important? Most of the work we do in manufacturing & fulfillment [...]

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NOCOM 2024

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Product Assembly

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Clean Matters

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Design 2 Part – Manufacturing Tradeshow

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Vertical Integration

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Manufacturing and Fulfillment
Manufacturing and Fulfillment

Intuitive automation

At the heart of our warehousing and distribution centers is our perceptive warehouse management software, allowing us to streamline our production services and eliminate time lost in the communication process. Unlike many nearby competitors who avoid updating their technology for fear of change, added training, and infrastructure adjustments, Peak  welcomes new evolutions in the warehousing process. Peak’s intuitive warehousing software optimizes our productivity, increases organization, and maintains a steady eye on your inventory. With a complex structure that assigns your inventory to its appropriate area, aisle, and even shelf, our Colorado product warehouses work like a well-oiled machine. When this precise product designation is paired 

with our software’s ability to assign team members to specific warehousing roles, your inventory is always prepared, picked, and packed with unrivaled accuracy and efficiency. With the innovations of order automation on the rise, our computerized order tracking, processing, and fulfillment platform puts the power of production in your hands. With 24/7 user visibility, our inclusive warehousing tools allow you to feel involved and aware of every step in our process. From entering orders to tracking statuses, and even requesting reports, our user interface enables you to do it all. If you’re interested in opening up your production process to a warehousing and distribution center that puts you in the driver’s seat, call Peak Manufacturing and Fulfillment.

about us

Swift succession

With projected production times and expected fulfillment dates always at top-of-mind, our crew ensures your warehoused products are always ready for the next step in their route. As a full-service manufacturing, warehousing, and fulfillment facility based out of Colorado, we have professional experience in bringing a product idea to fruition. Since we do it all in one place at our Colorado distribution center, we’re always thinking one step ahead. Once we’ve completed the warehousing step of your order, we’re ready to ship and send your products on their way, wasting no time stuck in transit or processing to a different shipping facility. Here at Peak, we do it all, making us ready for it all. 
Our crew personally handles the warehousing duties of countless companies and growing clients, tackling each new task with the same unmatched precision and passion. And with top-of-the-line machinery and productivity tools always being integrated into our lineup, we’re always inventing new ways to reduce production time and increase scale. What this means for our clients is that we’re always ready to take on new responsibilities when the day comes that they need them. Peak Manufacturing and Fulfillment is the ideal place to foster new production possibilities, making it your best chance to grow and expand without limits or restrictions. 
our services


Here at Peak Manufacturing and Fulfillment, we believe in growing with you, which is why we’ve chosen a 100,000 square foot facility as our home. With ever-growing client needs and an expanding breadth of services, we want to ensure that our dreams never exceed our limits. Our 100,000 sq. ft. product warehouse allows us to provide full-service production capabilities to our clients, housing the complex needs of your business, and countless others, in one easily accessible place. At our Colorado facilities, all of the production solutions you need are ready to be discovered, sitting under one roof.

Our vast expanse of warehousing and fulfillment space is home to a broad range of clients and industries, adapting to fit the needs of your unique products. Peak provides warehousing and fulfillment services to clients in the food, fitness, medical technology, consumer goods, and military industries, illustrating our versatile value for all.

Truly operating as a one-stop-shop, our distribution centers are home to a complete crew of production and warehousing experts, a rapid fleet of delivery vehicles, and a consolidation of inventory, ERP, and WMS technology. With this integrated and elevated combination of assets, Peak is always ready for your next order.

About us

Immaculate organization

Here at Peak Manufacturing and Fulfillment, we take great pride in our open and organized distribution center. As you understand, organization is the key to all great business, freeing up valued time spent resolving communication struggles and correcting incomplete orders. In order to avoid any missed opportunities or lackluster service, we’ve crafted a complete, yet distinct product warehouse that smooths operations and expedites production time. Instead of spending time sifting through a warehouse mess for a specific product, order form, or production tool, the Peak team spends that time tending to your order with razor-sharp focus, eliminating the possibility of faulty or flawed fulfillment. 

When you tour our Colorado facility, you’ll immediately take note of this emphasis on organization and cleanliness. With stringent standards for our medical and corporate clients, we’ve extended this focus on tidiness throughout our entire facility. Each warehouse aisle is properly designated, each box is properly placed, and each order is properly handled. With this keen focus on an immaculate workspace, our crew doesn’t have to spend valued time tidying up work areas or sorting through clutter— we’re always ready to work. 
Manufacturing and Fulfillment

Why warehousing?

Fresh startups and family businesses can have trouble recognizing the value of third-party warehousing and fulfillment, and it can feel like someone is invading your business territory. Here at Peak, we never want our clients to feel that we’re taking something away from their passionate business practices, which is why we’re going to break down the value that Peak brings to Colorado businesses.
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Buffer inventory

If you’re operating out of your own product warehouse, you’re likely running out of room to grow. With our vast headquarters in Colorado, we can store additional inventory on top of your expected inventory levels to prepare for surges in demand. That way, when your small business grows to become a far-reaching brand, you’re ready to tackle it all. In return for adding buffer inventory, you’ll experience ability to meet increased demand, and increased profit. 

Increase efficiency

Working as warehousing experts for a living has its perks, most importantly of which is our ability to streamline production and reduce wasted time. With our full-service warehousing operations, our professional team has amassed thousands of hours of operation time learning the ins and outs of complex machinery and procedures. Using this deep-rooted experience, the Peak team is prepared to handle your growing orders, and complete them with focus, efficiency, and finesse. 

Dream bigger

In our opinion, the most valuable reason our clients switch to Peak warehousing is to provide much-needed time to strategize and reinvent. With in-house warehousing, it can be easy to get caught in the mundane day-to-day tasks of processing, fulfillment, and shipping. But with Peak’s professional distribution centers, you can refocus that time on future business goals, expansion options, and endless growth. With Peak’s trustworthy warehousing team on your side, you can set new goals, and we can help you reach them. 
Manufacturing and Fulfillment

Our Services

Peak’s full scope of services stretch far beyond the limits of e-commerce fulfillment and shipping — don’t hesitate to learn more about our integrated production offerings.